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Neighborhood Watch Bulletin Board

"We Watch Out For Each Other"

Actual Ring Video of Suspects

Suspects Caught on Camera

Residents Home During Break-in Attempt

July 12, 2024: Shown here is video of three suspects who attempted to break into a home on  the 1800 block of Highland Oaks Drive in The Highlands.  

Here are the details:

At 10:34 pm three suspects entered the property from a side gate adjacent to the garage.  The owner of the property heard what he thought was the sound of a bear hitting the trash cans.   Upon checking the Ring camera on his phone, he observed three men walking in his backyard.  The owner immediately called 911 and reported a prowler on the property.


10:35 The three suspects attempted to open a rear door to gain entry to the house, the door was locked.


10:38 The owner heard the sound of a helicopter overhead and saw a searchlight shine into the backyard.  At the same time, three Arcadia police cars arrived at the property and at least five officers began searching the property.  No suspects were found.  It is suspected they fled in a waiting get-away car.

There maybe more to this story, continue reading…

suspect 1.png
1990 Camry.png

Example of a 1990 Toyota Camry

Was  Home “Cased” A Month Earlier?

"Delivery Man" Acts Very Suspiciously 

In June, an unidentified man was seen on the same property, allegedly trying to deliver a package. The man hung around the property for almost 15 minutes before driving away in a 1990-92 Toyota Camry.  You can watch the Ring camera video that the owner provided to the right of this article.

Here are a few things that should be noted as suspicious:

99% of deliveries are from well know companies, such as Amazon, Fed Ex, UPS or the United States Post Office.  Each of these organizations have very distinct delivery trucks, with their company logo on the outside.  This individual was seen driving a 1990-92 white Toyota Camry.


This individual is not wearing a uniform from any of the well-known delivery companies.


There is no shipping label on the outside of the package he is supposedly delivering.


Why did he linger around for almost 15 minutes? Most delivery companies simply drop a package on your front porch. If he was waiting for signature, where is his clipboard?


This individual was seen walking around the property, taking pictures with his camera. There is absolutely no reason for a delivery man to act this way.


This is all suspicious behavior and should be reported to your Neighborhood Watch Block Captain.


If you are not part of the Neighborhood Watch Program, contact David Arvizu 626 627-6503 and I will put you in contact with the Block Captain on your street. 

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Are other properties being  “cased” in The Highlands?
by David Arvizu

At 2:30pm on July 30, an unidentified man was seen hanging out in the wash area between the houses on the 1300 block of Highland Oaks, ( see RED CIRCLE on adjacent map).


When confronted by a neighbor, the man cursed at the homeowner and then proceeded to jump the fence (exiting the wash area) and was seen running south on Highland Oaks Drive.


Approximately 30 minutes later, I located the individual walking south on First ave.  The individual wandered about with no particular destination in mind.  He eventually stopped at the liquor store on the corner of First ave. and Colorado.  He never entered the store, rather he simply hung around outside the store for about 5 minutes.  He then continued south on First ave., crossing the street to the east side.

He continued to meander south, and stopped into Goki Cafe for just a moment before heading to the train platform.  He was last seen boarding the Metro Gold Line heading north at 3:22pm.


This again is very suspicious behavior and was shared with the Neighborhood Watch members in the immediate area.


Also, it would appear that homes on corner lots are being targeted due to their double exposure to the street, allowing for entry from the side of the property.


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This is the individual seen hanging around the          wash area near Highland Oaks Drive.

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